Inbox Placement

Inbox Placement:

To keep your email in the inbox and out of the spam folder, utilize the inbox placement tools to track and analyze your email inbox placement rates.

Inbox Placement Rate (IPR) is the percentage of sent emails that were able to reach the targeted inboxes rather than the spam or junk folders of subscribers.

This tool will assist you in keeping track of the following:

  • To track the percentage of emails landed in the inbox.
  • To track the percentage of emails requested, delivered, opened, and clicked segregated by mailbox providers.

If you have a low inbox placement rate, it may be due to;

  • Irrelevant content
  • Bad IP and/or domain reputation
  • Constantly sending messages to invalid or unknown email addresses

How to Increase Inbox Placement Rate

  • Remove subscribers from your list that have not engaged with your email marketing efforts in the last 90 days,
  • Make sure that your email service provider sends your emails at the appropriate speed,
  • Authenticate your email account,
  • Always check your emails to see if there is any issues or spam problems,
  • If your email deliverability score is low, do not send any emails before resolving this issue,
  • Send relevant campaigns to segmented customers.

Seed List:

Seed List is generated at the time of account creation as a relevant subset of the overall Inboxable seed list is assigned to each account, based on region and demography.

Campaign Flow

Step 1 : Netcore Email API client will indicate over the ‘Send Email’ API that they want to track inbox placement for a given campaign, including the name of the campaign.

In case of API:

”inbox_placement” : {
”enable” : “true”
”campaign_name” : “sale2020“

In case of SMTP:
Header name: X-testname

Step 2 : Check whether the limit is reached or not. If yes, deliver the email but don’t process the inbox placement. If not, continue to step 3.

Step 3 : Netcore Email API will generate a campaign ID which will map to the campaign name provided by the client.

Step 4 : Netcore Email API will fetch the seed list using /deliverability/seeds API, and send a copy to the seed list.

Step 5 : We will fetch the Inboxable campaign ID for the campaign with /deliverability/campaigns API. The common key for identification is campaign_identifier, which is sent by us.

Step 6 : Using the campaign id & Search Campaign by ID (/deliverability/campaigns/{id}) API, we can fetch the inbox statistics for the campaign.

Step 7 : Using the ISP wise Campaign Stat API (/deliverability/campaigns/{campaign_id}/isps/{isp_id}), we can check the ISP wise inbox placement.

Step 8 : Using the Campaign Creative (/deliverability/campaigns/{id}/creative) API, We can fetch the campaign rendering and showcase it on the panel.

Step 9 : We can delete the campaign using the Delete Campaign API.


Please note

Insights is only accessible to our enterprise clients. Please get in touch with our support team if you are interested to avail our enterprise services.